Friday, January 27, 2012

to the demons on the other side of the project I have named little nemo

To the people who run this project,
from the beginning of this project I did not care about my childhood or any of the years prior to moving to new york city. It seems hardly fair that you has rigged a system to keep me trapped in my mind/require emotional depth or memories for me to return to the real world/I neither miss the memories that I do not have nor find that emotional depth should be a requirement for me to find the higher levels and to get out of this project. You did this to me at 23 and rigged a world where you have manipulated me for being republican and search for the closest period of time that I had a high quota of my medication which was at 2223A of the school of visual arts. I would like to get out of this project and create a television station with the $ (owned by caitlin rodriguez)
please let me out of this project or create something more fear to my existence on earth to make up for the fact that you have allowed me to become homeless/out of cash but refuse to pay me.

-Little Nemo

*today I'm told to e-mail kalle lasn
(which one of the people on the other end takes the name of alongside metronews/democrat. This is because he found me occupy wall street)

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